I am not new, just looking for more friends so this is more fun to come back too and not get bored of it. So please send a request!
adddddd meeeee
looking for some new friends, feel free to add, comment, or message me!
looking for some friends add me and say heyyyy!
add me! :tongue:
just got back to site, looking for some people to share and chat it up
Need some friends to chit chat and share with so I don't get bored of this at the same time.
Add me or send a message. Thanks!
Hey everyone add me drop a line while your at it!
Might as well make some friends :)
Not new but back around for another turn. Add me, say hi and don't be shy!
Add me and share your story, I'll share mine.
Need friends, a better reason to keep coming back
Use to use this a lot but went through a time where I did not have the time to log. Now I'm back On it. Feel free to add and share!
add me and message me
Hey if you need help and support or just looking for a new friend feel free to add me.
Looking to expand my friends lists haha. Add me with a message atleast thanks
Please send something with it
Add me please!
Add me :) sorry bored
add me =)
need friends someone to chit chat
Let's be friends :)
Bored let's be friends :)
Got some time to kill but nothing to do haha. Anyone wanna chit chat?
How is everyone?
Can I get some adds?
How is everyone? Add if you'd like.
Been slacking
Add me :)