Muffin top. Love handles. Inner Tube. Beer Belly. Those, my friends, are just a few of the ways society has labeled extra weight around the stomach. I myself have been known to call mine a "deflated tire", however, there are times when it can be inflated. Seriously, how sad is that?! If I were to pick an area I'm MOST…
Just wondering if anyone know some awesome yummy recipes for my husband since he's a picky eater? He dislike vegetables and fruits.
In need of advise, what would be a great desert to take on a 4 hour long road trip for Thanksgiving?
Hi there, I'm Nicole, and I'm unhappy in my own skin. I feel sluggish and lazy way too often. My jeans don't fit like they should, I'm wearing way too many stretchy shirts (to hide my stomach region) and I don't feel comfortable in my own skin. That, my friends, is not a pleasant feeling. After years of somewhat trying to…