How to figure out your RMR
If you think YOU have challenges...NOTHING is Impossible!
Watch this video! So inspirational! Sorry, I don't know how to imbed a video directly in here but copy and paste this link into your browser. It's worth the time to watch it!! https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=4925797056266
Sharing a blog: Too fat to be photographed
A friend of mine shared this on facebook and it spoke to me (I hate having my picture taken!) Thought I'd share... http://myfriendteresablog.com/so-youre-feeling-too-fat-to-be-photographed/
Work out Buddies or Groups
I hate going to the gym alone! Luckily, I know quite a few people who have memberships to Planet Fitness and can usually find someone to go with me. Our small group has widely varying schedules so meeting as a group during the week has proven difficult. If you're looking for buddies to work out with, leave a reply to this…