Here is something that I think is just terrible. Everytime I go to workout at my fitness center, they have a dozen TV's on mute. Why in the heck are all of the ads about FOOD!! I mean, I am here, busting my butt to take off the pounds of fat and there is a huge cheese burger flashing in front of my face. What Gives???!! I…
Hello Everyone! As of yesterday I have joined a gym again. I took a yoga class with a friend, and I must admit that the balls of my feet were killing me after the hour session yesterday. I dont really think that I will take the class on a regular basis as I did work up a sweat but I feel that today's cardio workout made me…
Hello Everyone! My friend is the one that found this site, and I figure, the more support the better. I have been down this road before and with much sadness I gained back about 60 of the 100 pounds that I lost due to my own stupid self. Well, I guess it is because I was going about it the first time the wrong way. I went…