I have a serious issue when it comes to studying. I'm in my final year of university, and am currently writing my final essays. The WHOLE DAY I think about food. All I think about is when lunch is or when dinner is, or what I can snack on, and if there is anything in front of me, I WILL eat it. I try healthy snacks, fruit…
Ok so I want to target getting my stomach flatter, getting rid of these wobbly bits on my hips, and toning my arms. Running is toning my thighs and bum (hopefully) - but I get soooo borrrrred doing stomach exercises. Can anybody help/give me some advice??
So I think I'm going to start the Insanity 60 workout programme - it looks good, and has had lots of reviews. I wonder if I can keep it up! I will probably take before and after photos, lets see how that goes, and if I keep up with it!!