I think I discovered how Manti Te'o was duped. It is very sad http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fcbj8BBsWSA.
A member of my FL wrote this about another member of FL: "Your life is like a Rolling Stone magazine and mine is like a one page pamphlet on proper hand washing techniques." So if you were to think about your own life, what would that book/magazine/ pamphlet be? For me most likely Hemingway's "the Nick Adams stories".
A lame and slightly rude game. Describe your last BM using a movie title such as: "A River Runs Through It" "The Phantom Menace" "The Longest Day" Childish, I know.
How do you log your Martial Arts practice and sparing? I usually am in class for about 2 hours, but that includes stretching warm-up, practicing moves, watching other practice moves and then actual sparing/fighting. I have been logging it as roughly 20 minutes of Calisthenics or circuit training depending on the day, but…