I can't give up my morning coffee with flavored creamer (and I don't use sugar free/fat free either!). I do stick to 1 cup per day only though. And I can't give up my weekend full flavored brewsky, but I do limit to only one or two. My favorites are Guinness, Shock Top, Blue Moon, Youngs Double Chocolate Stout.
I am NOT on the paleo diet, but a friend of mine who is on it posted this recipe. My husband wanted to try it since he doesn't like traditional chicken salad (he hates mayo). So, we tried it, we LOVED it and have had it about twice a week for the past month. Here is our version of this recipe. You can find the original on…
I got sucked in my an infomercial, and now I want to buy Insanity. But I have a few questions...who out there has tried it and been successful? I'm worried about spending the money then not being able to do it. I am a runner, so I'm in ok shape, I just want more definition and I HATE lifting weights. I am a 30 something…