So this is going to be my first Easter potluck I say FIRST EASTER POTLUCK, because this isn't my first POTLUCK since I started using We had a Valentine's day potluck, but someone made a strawberry spinach salad and another person made a ceviche salad so I was easily able to stay under my calories as long as I stuck…
I've gained and lost 20 pounds (give or take and most recently it's been GIVE...40 I've gained in the past couple of years) since I was 16 years old Each time I lose weight (mind you, I'm ONLY 5'3" and I've NEVER been below 124 lbs) I get soooo much feedback (from females specifically) telling me that I am too skinny It…
This is the article I based them on: 8 Sexy Ways to Burn Calories Rev up both your engines with these slimming sexual acts By Sarah Jio Sex—and smooching and snuggling and everything else on the spectrum—is great for your relationship and happiness, but intimate time with your sweetie is also terrific for your physical…
he's probably about the same overweight as I was before I started MFP (40 or so pounds overweight) and since I've lost almost 15 pounds, I'm trying to get him to do it too and he keeps telling me "that's for girls" It's really annoying because I want him to be healthy. He's already got back problems and has trouble…