Two months and about 15 lbs down!
I started a video called beginner shred by Jillian michaels... After the first workout, I thought I was going to die... From the workout itself and also from embarrassment that I had let myself get that out of shape that I could barely keep up. After my first workout, my youngest daughter said to me 'mommy did you work out…
So I took the left pictures on July 27 before I started beginner shred... It was recommended that you take progress pictures every 10 days or so. The right picture is almost about 15 days in, so halfway thru the video... Just seeing if anyone can see a difference or if I'm just being hopeful lol.
Looking for people from Alabama to be friends with :happy: I live in North Alabama.
I really want to start running... I think it would be super awesome to finish the Huntsville Half Marathon in November. I was wondering if there were any other beginner runners who would like to do this with me?