talk about your exercise. it's not easy with a higher bmi, personally I think those who say running for higher bmi's need shooting. joints( not that type;-) ) we got to look after ourselves and I think it's about doing it the right way.
Meals, recipes
help each other with great recipes or links etc
help by giving great snack options, or ask on finding a better replacement.
Meet others here. [name] [location] ( village, region) just helps find more local support [BMI] - if you wish. not great believer; but helps categorise us cuddliest types
Over 40 BMI
Just a self help group to find like minded people to help each other.
supporting meals
where you buying your food, where your buying your food, what you substituting for what, what great recipes have you discovered, etc.
Supporting exercise walks
routes you take, setting up walking groups, need a motivator to get out, etc
Yorkshire,UK - 210lb plus
For Yorkshire folk feel free to join this group as well - Yorkshire,UK - 210lb plus :smile:
England support groups
:smile: I have recently got the myfitnesspal android app, looking to find similar people over 15st, who are wanting a lifestyle change, with the biggest loser on ITV TV in the UK. Why not get a forum going based on this great app and website. I have set up 3 groups based on my location; shown below, - either join or set up…
England,UK - 210lb plus
If you want to chat other people in England, why not join the group - England,UK - 210lb plus
Yorkshire,UK - 210lb plus
For Doncaster people wanting to chat with fellow Yorkshire folk, why not look at the group - Yorkshire,UK - 210lb plus:smile:
England,UK - 210lb plus
For yokshire people wanting to speak to other people in England, why not join the group - England,UK - 210lb plus:smile:
Doncaster,UK - 210lb plus
Anyone near Doncaster feel free to join this group - Doncaster,UK - 210lb plus:smile:
Doncaster,UK - 210lb plus
Anyone near Doncaster feel free to join this group as well - Doncaster,UK - 210lb plus:smile: :