With the game starting soon, was wondering if there are any die hard packer fans out there.
I am originally from Cali, but now reside in Hawaii. I know there are plenty of peeps on here from Cali, but I was wondering how many are from Hawaii?
Here comes a rant. I reside in Hawaii, and for people out there who have never been here, let me just say, a lot of the population is way over weight! Everywhere I look, I see a person that has trouble walking because of all the weight they have to carry, and what is in their hand? A BUCKET sized fountain drink. I am in…
I am originally from Camarillo, but have moved a lot since High school. Am now residing on the Big Isaland, Hawaii. Hit me up even if u aren't from Cali. Could use some more friends!! Thanks
I know it is bad to not consume enough calories, but I just lost a loved one and am not hungry. How bad is this going to effect me in the long run? I have heard if u arent hungry dont eat, so I havent been forcing myself. I dont feel dizzy, malnurished. Just heartbroken. Thanks