I have seen a lot of contorversy on people being a 1200 calorie diet and exercising; some people say that you must make up the extra calories you loose when you exercise. But whats the point? I was confused on this topic to so i asked my doctor and she said you just need the nourishment from the 1200 calories but you do…
My names mandy and i have struggled with being mildly overweight my whole life. I am trying to get in shape and loose weight for a mission trip to China i have planned this May. The trip calls for a lot of walking and being in good shape. I'm looking for new friends that i can have that can help me stay on track and hold…
Hey i'm new here and i have been dieting for about one week now. my goal is 25 pounds by May. Is there anyone here willing to help me stay motivated its so hard to do it by yourself.