Hey guys! What aspect of your body do you look forward to seeing a change in the most? Apart from the obvious weight loss and being healthier and fitter, I can't wait to have a thinner face and visible cheek bones! I've never had a thin face so can't wait for it be be more defined :) Just interested to see what everyone…
I'm struggling to keep up with buying so much fruit & veg, and it's making my shopping bill go up so much! I'm a student, and it's sometimes hard for me to afford nice healthy ready meals, or fresh produce. Why is it the unhealthy food is so cheap when the food that's good for you is much more expensive?! Aaaaah! Has…
Hi guys, just wondering if anyone had any tips/advice on how they've managed to not give in to temptation at parties or clubs etc? I'm a student, and a lot of my time is spent socialising with friends, and i'm just worried that i'll cave in to alcohol or party snacks.