This is a very subjective observation, but I've noticed that since I've started training regularly in late 2010 (a typical week sees me run 4 times and go to the gym 3 times, with one full rest day) I've hardly gotten ill at all. I used to pick up infections that were floating around at about the usual rate; if everyone in…
I have a question about RHR, and maybe can make this topic a quick survey! i) How would you rate your level of aerobic exercise, and how would you rate your aerobic fitness? ii) What is your RHR? I ask this question because my RHR seems disproportionately low given how much exercise I do. My answers are: i) I am active and…
Obviously myfitnesspal gives us a daily net calorie intake we should have in order to lose weight at a steady rate (well, for most of us. Of course some are trying to maintain or gain weight). And that net calorie intake is the same regardless of whether you sit on the sofa all day, or are active all day. Any physical…