Not sure where to post this. I've been on keto for about a week and recently I developed a rash. From what I've read online, people generally get it on their trunk, chest and back. It can possibly be food allergy also but none of the foods I've been eating are new except maybe coconut oil. Although I have no issues eating…
I recently started running/walking. I have a route that involves a hill. I started getting shin splints. It got worse on sat, my last run. Since then, I have like a constant tenderness/ache/pain on top of my foot and if I press a certain spot on the front of my lower leg, its a shooting pain. Should I see a doctor or just…
I like biking and did it in college on campus but that was mostly flat ground. I live in a city that is full of hills and it's intimidating to me. I feel that I won't be able to do it and fail and also there are 2 5ks I would like to participate in in the summer, Neon Run and Run for Your Lives. I just started to workout…