Can someone please tell me the pros and cons of swapping your fit points before or after your weeklies?
I'm in a 30 day group and one of the things we're doing is avoiding dairy (cheese) and then add it back in to see if it affects me. The milk is no problem because I like almond and coconut milk but I'm looking for a good substitute for cheese. Any recommendations?
I've been doing paleo for 2 weeks and feeling great! I've had a couple of cheats but I'm calling it a success. When are these cravings going to stop? Bread, pasta and chocolate cake consume my thoughts!
For those of you following the paleo lifestyle, do you follow a pretty basic plan and eat similar foods every day? It seems like there are so many recipes that look wonderful but its not very realistic for me to cook that much. I'm hoping that I don't get bored eating a lot of the same things. How often do you try new…
How is everybody logging their piyo? I have been using yoga but I think it should be a little more than that.