I need some serious motivation. I feel like I will never be fit & Healthy :( So for the gazillionth time I started, feeling good, motivated & focused. Then that "1" out to dinner meal turned into a weekend long eating out, ontop of getting junk food at the movies and so on. AND now, here I am 2 weeks later still eating bad…
I am in my 20's, Female and 340 lbs.Even writing that makes me cringe. I have gained and lost alot of weight since I was a teenage, however this is the highest I have ever been and I'm starting to lose hope. A yr & a 1/2 ago I broke up w my ex who I was w for 5 yrs. Since moving back home, I have gained 80lbs, when I was…
I'm kinda new to this site. I was on it before a few months back then fell off the dieting wagon for awhile. Well now Im back and ready to start fresh and to get healthy for the summer! :)