The Word of Wisdom Diet
So, maybe I'm just way behind here, but I've been studying up a lot on the Word of Wisdom a lot as I struggle to get my family healthier. It's amazing to me how little I followed the WoW growing up. I mean, I didn't smoke or drink coffee and tea, but that's about it. My biggest issue is the red meat. I have always eaten so…
Banned Foods Infographic
I was browsing Pinterest, and came across this infographic. It's scary how much we've put into our daily diet that affects our fertility! Check it out, I was pretty shocked!
Things That Mess With Fertility
http://www.womenshealthmag.com/health/weird-things-that-mess-your-fertility I found this article on Pinterest. I knew some of these things, but others were shocking! Looks like my phone needs a bedtime too
Every Woman's Journey Is Unique
Because every woman is unique, her journey into motherhood is just as unique as she is. For women struggling with fertility issues, it is crucial she listen to her body and take the course of action that best fits her situation. The beautiful, and at times frustrating, thing about that is understanding your best health.…