Anyone have any suggestions for alternatives to diet soda. I am trying to find something to get rid of my bad habit of drinking diet soda. Any suggestions for alternatives...
Do any of you have muscle cramps in your legs or feet at night? The past few nights I have been getting them so bad I have to get out of bed and walk it off. They wake me up out of a dead sleep. I have a doctors appointment coming up soon and will talk to him about it.
I just started Lantus 3 months ago and am doing well , my A1c went from 9.8 to 9.0 and falling, the only problem that i have now is that i seem to be craving sweets like crazy. Anyone else have this happen to them. I really can't eat sweets very well anyway they make me ill, so this is a good thing, but when i look at a…
Hi I just set up my account and found that i was a member since 2009, what a surprise. I have been involved in so many weightloss and motivational groups that you forget to check some of them out over time.. I have type 2 diabetes and have had it for many years and been regulating it up until now with oral medications, i…