What are you doing NOW to prepare for AFTER phentermine?
I think one of the biggest challenges that those of us who are taking phentermine are going to face is what we're going to do after we're no longer taking the prescription. When the metabolism boost isn't there anymore and the appetite comes back and we're back "on our own," so to speak, without the benefits from the…
Protein shake allergy problems
I'd like to add more protein to my daily routine, and it seems like adding a protein shake mid-morning would work really well for that. But (1) so many are so expensive, (2) the inexpensive ones seem to be full of sugar, and (3) the ones I've tried, I've had an allergic reaction to where my throat gets swollen and itchy. I…
I hate cross-legged poses.
I love doing yoga. I've been practicing for several years, so I think I've got the basics down pretty well. I'm not fantastic at it, but at 240-something pounds, I haven't got the lean, athletic build that can do yoga really well. But still, it's something that I really enjoy doing. That said, I hate doing cross-legged…
404 - Brain not found (tired after yoga)
Two times a week, I go to a yoga class that’s offered at my workplace. (I know, pretty awesome, right? Corporate sponsored free yoga!) A lot of times after class, I get unbelievably tired. Not just “That was good exercise” tired but “404 – Error: brain not found. Please reboot” nearly-catatonic tired. I know that it’s…
Greetings and salutations: another pair of feet on the road
Hey, there! I guess I should introduce myself, since I’m starting to post on the forums and all. Be prepared – this is a little long. My name is Kylene and I’m 32 years old. As of this posting I weigh in the neighborhood of 244 pounds. I haven’t weighed myself since last Friday and I didn’t weigh in this morning. Long…