I'm a kitchen idiot. I mess up scrambled eggs and overlook spaghetti. However, apparently I've been told I need to quit eating takeout. I need literally the easiest recipes known to man. Please help. Literally, post something your five year old could make.
Ok, I don't cook. Ever. I can't do it. I burn scrambled eggs and over cook pasta. I try to cut bread and put massive holes through it. I am kitchen stupid and I also am a work a holic whose hours usually span 11 am to 2am on a daily basis. Therefore, I don't cook. Any recommendations of places to go? The people at subway…
That online dating is the biggest sucker bet in the history of the world? Before I go on any further, I know many couples that met and eventually got married by meeting online. However, I've been on every site (paid and free) for the better part of 9 years and have never had more than a first date, and even those Are few…