Protien Ideas
So I'm really working on lowering my carb intake and increasing my protien. I seem to do better with eating 4-5 smaller meals a day (300-400 calories). Due to some high cholesteral readings lately I'm restricted on what I can eat - they basically told me to stay away from anything that comes out of a bag or wrapped. That…
Will I ever feel better?
So I was hit with some foot poisoning on Saturday night. Felt horrible all day Sunday and just a little better on Monday. Tuesday and Wedensday were even better but my stomach still feels sour and I seem to be having some indigestion/heart burn. I've never had food poisoning so just curious if this is normal and does it…
Getting your BMR tested
Does anyone know what type of places you can have your BMR tested? I've read online a little bit about it and some people say they do it at the doctor's office. I have my yearly exam next Friday, maybe I'll ask. I would like to know what mine is for real, not by using the calcuators.