Hi, Just looking for people in the similar situation to me. I'm studying for exams and I'm finding it really hard to continue eating healthy and fit in exercise with intense revision. Looking for people who are maybe in the same situation, so we can motivate each other? If not, any friends >>> :)
Hey, I'm still quite new to MFP. Looking for some early twenties. But I don't mind friends of any age. Looking for friends that can encourage so I encourage them also. Anyone? xxx
Hello! When I first signed up to MFP, the app calculated My calorie intake to be 1200. Personally I'm finding it so hard to just eat 1200. I calculated my BMR and it was 1579.55. BMR x sedentary (1.2) was 1895.46 BMR x moderatetely active (1.55) was 2448.30 I'm trying to exercise as much as I can, like for example this…
I'm soooo ecstatic! Lost 7lbs in a week and a bit. Never imagined I could lose that much. Its great news after yesterday I was feeling a bit low about my diet so this is loss is really encouraging me. I know I won't be able to lose 7lb every week, but if I lose a good 2lb a week, I'll be happy :D P.S. I started using…
Hey! Its been a week since I started using the myfitnesspal app and now I'm getting used to the website. I look forward to continuing on this journey to a healthy weight loss with you guys :) x