All my jeans have this going on. I wear them anyway because I'm not going to spend another $40 on jeans so the same thing can happen in a few months. But today, I put these jeans on, and I realized it's probably time to toss them out :( I took them off before taking a photo because so much skin was showing that I thought…
This is my most commonly worn workout shirt, with a Star Wars quote that motivates me to do a few more reps of whatever I'm doing. Do you guys wear anything that's motivational, or carry something with you that reminds you to work hard?
So, guys, I can do ZERO push ups. As in: not even a single one. I get in the position, and as I bend my arms to go down, about halfway there, my arms start to tremble, then they suddenly give out and I end up smacking my face on the ground. I can do "girl push ups", the ones that have you resting your knees on the ground…