Coming Back to MFP
So I have fallen off the weight-loss wagon and I am looking for friends and encouragement. I have used this site before and lost 20 pounds, but, as it normally does, life hit me and took me off the path. If anyone is looking for another encouraging friend send me a request!
My new hero
This anchor woman responds to a letter from a viewer about her weight live on the air. It's pretty awesome, check it out.... http://video.news8000.com/watch.php?id=36335
Hope I'm not being redundant...
I'm sure this question has been asked before, but is the MFP formula for caloric intake correct? I used the Mifflin-St. Jeor equation on the following website and it's totally different than MFP. http://www.scientificpsychic.com/health/cron1.html Here's my stats: 5'10" 234lbs female sedentary lifestyle MFP says that I…
23 yr old in low to mid 200s
Hello, I just joined MFP yesterday and am looking for friends to support me and whom I can support during our weight loss journey. Like the subject line says, I am 23 years old and I am 5'10" in the low to mid 200 lb range. I am looking to get to 180 lbs over time. I am getting married June 2013 and would like to be…