Hi all I've been here on and off for quite a while and recently came back for another go as most of the weight I lost last time went back on. I'm looking for some motivational buddies to add to keep me on track as I'm getting a little lonely in my quest :)
Hey all :) I've been using myfitnesspal since 2010 on and off and did very well last time I was here. As you do, I got a bit lazy and piled on some pounds so I'm back for another try. I quite recently became single for the first time in a good while so I thought I'd do something for me and try and get a bit fitter and…
I`ve just started C25k and came across this video which I found very motivating. Its an incredible video, and shows what can be done if you put your mind to it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8SbXgQqbOoU&feature=player_embedded#!
I`ve read several times on mfp that the settings wont go below 1200 for a woman because anything lower than that is too low. I`ve always been under the impression that the absolute minimum for a male is 1500 , but the settings I entered gave me a daily calorie amount of 1320 per day. Surely this is far too low for a 44…
Hi, my name is Dave and I live in the UK I`m 44 years old and when I gave up smoking a few years ago, I put on just over 50lb in weight that I`ve been struggling to get rid of ever since. I've had a few half hearted attempts at diets and exercise in the past, but this is this time I`m going to do it, and reading all your…