Hey I am making a Summer Bucket List... Everyone should help me come up with ideas to put on it! Here's what I have so far: 1. Go on a Road Trip 2. Play Beach/Sand Volleyball 3. Go for a Midnight Swim 4. Pick a 2013 Summer Song 5. Start a Wish Tree 6. Catch Fireflies 7. Play Mini Golf 8. Have/Attend a Barbecue 9. Go Hiking…
I have typically always bought Wal-Marts Whey Protein to drink after every workout because it has a convient price of like $18 or so. But I was wondering, has anyone found something that works significantly better for anywhere under $40 or $50 ? Also, should I take Creatine before workout and then Protein post workout? I…
Previously I had been drinking a cup of coffee and having an orange or another fruit for breakfast, but after several days I realized I was only getting about half the amount of protein I needed each day (most of which came from protein shake after daily workouts). Yesterday I decided to start replacing that breakfast with…