omg guys we should totally try sutin like tht like 10 a week just to get started sounds like friendly competiton and motivation to me:smile: whos in?
omg totally visit this website:
Tom Venuto – The Fat Loss Guru is a natural bodybuilder, certified strength and conditioning specialist (CSCS) and a certified personal trainer (CPT). I’ve learned so much from Tom through is e-book, Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle. No hype, no gimmicks — Tom shoots straight from the hip, and tells you the truth about fat…
Want a great diet tip? Drink more water. Drinking plenty of cold, clear water is essential for your health and, in fact, for your very survival. You can live much longer without food than you can without water. Water is an important part of all body functions and processes, including digestion and elimination. When you’re…
hey peeps. I am thinking about doing a final wiegh in for this week on friday...*****TIPS: TAKE WEIGHT IN THE MORNING TO ELIMINATE WATER FOOD AND ALL THT YUCKY EXTRA WEIGHT**** let me know what u think ttyl later love yall <3 keeps up the good work