I usually weigh myself about once a week & I just starting measuring my neck, waist, & hips yesterday so I'm not sure how often to do that? Do you think how often I weigh myself is good & when should I take measurements?
Hi, just a creation I made. It's not exactly a burrito since there's no beans but I just call it one since I fold it like one :) . You need: Taco sized tortilla shells (I'm pretty sure these are the smallest size) Shredded cheese Turkey pepperoni Lunch meat ham, or turkey, or both (or any other lunch meat you like) And…
I love making new friends so if anyone wants you can add me on here & on other social networks. I follow everyone back on twitter & tumblr. & if you follow me on instagram & message me with your name on here I'll follow you back :) ooVoo-AskYourMom2015 Facebook-http://www.facebook.com/andrea.marie.963 Twitter-@AskYourMom…
I have a big problem of eating just because I'm bored. What are some ways I can stop this. I've tried exercising instead but I eventually get tired so I go inside & start to eat again when I'm not hungry.
I'm 5'4 & I weigh 235 pounds, but I was 240 when I started this. I've been on here about 3 weeks & I was just looking to make friends who are doing the same thing as me & would also like support. & maybe we could text & add each other on twitter & facebook & become good pals other then on here :) . So send me a message & a…