What have you been able to do since your weight loss that you couldn't have done before? I'll go first :-) As a performer, my weight limited what roles I could do, as well as my confidence to be on stage. Since I've lost the weight I have a greater range that I can play, and most important to me, I've been able to become a…
Hey guys! So I'm having an issue and I'm not really sure what to do about it. I'm still about 10lbs from my goal weight, however my face has thinned out to a point where if I lose anymore I will start to look gaunt. Has anyone else ever had this issue, or have any advise? My typical exercise is running along with lifting…
I've got a little further to go, but I am really proud of my progress so far! I've discovered a love for running over this time and have really loved the journey to fitness!