Anyone from Ontario want to chat and get to know each other..It is nice to meet people that live near you.. Friends are a good form of support for anyone...
Hey everyone from Canada. I would like to wish everyone a Happy Canada Day. Also all my friends from the US a Happy Independance Day on Wednesday July the 4th. This is a day to celebrate for both and I hope everyone does it safely. Do anyone do anything special on these days?
Would like to meet different friends that can support each other on the weight loss path.... Friends with positive messages always help...
I have started this group to find out just how everyone thinks about the issue... :smile:
It seems to me that alot of guys around here are out for one thing one... Maybe there is the nice ones around but they are taken or they just don't want to be with a women with a little extra cuddle... I understand some guys want to be able to lift they're women but maybe there is some that like to keep there feet on the…
This is a group that we can chat about our job and give each other hint on what they are doing each day with their dieting in the work we do everyday..
when i am up spirit and smiling it makes me feel good... having people around me makes me smile.... I enjoy meeting new people each and everyday
Hey everyone.... How is things?
Hi Everyone!!! My name is Mary!!! I am from Sudbury, Ontario... It is so nice to see something out there that we can chat on and also chat with people that may have the small feelings we do about the way we live our lives. I am a very friendly person so everyone is welcome to add me and we can chat about anything you wish.…