So I recently got back into a healthy lifestyle after realizing my scale had been lying to me. I lost 8 pounds in 12 days and now I'm stuck at 183.6 I've been here for the past 8 days and the scale literally wont move from that number. I'm trying to blame it on being a woman and having hit "that time" at the beginning of…
Hello everyone! I've been a runner since... well forever. but only short distances. I've done a 5k, and run three miles nearly everyday, and of course I've done those runs that schools make you do. However i somehow got myself into doing the disney half marathon in january and have no clue how to start preparing for it and…
I've always been a runner. My mother has done a lot of runs (5k, 10k, and half marathon) and finally coaxed me into doing a 5k a while back, btw hills and your first 5k do NOT mix well. :) Well i saw that there was a Disney run and decided to do the half marathon since i have a while to work up to it. But I have no clue…