Ok, so it always feels great to get props!
What to do when there is no motivation to be found? Where do you get it? What about will power? Why on some days is it so abundant and on others its no where to be seen? What are some tips to muster up all your get fit mojo.:smile:
Thanks for joining the group! If you want you can defiantly post a short intro for us all. It is always nice to know that there are always friends out there going through exactly what we are going through. Especially those that you share commonalities with. I don't know about you, but sometimes I feel alone in this battle.
Welcome to IU Health Fit Fued group! Since so many people are a part of MFP, I thought this would be a great way to share questions, concerns, obsticales, answers, advice, and support with each other! I know there is already the 'Competition talk' feature on the wellness site, but I think this will be a little more…