Here's a fun game I thought of this morning. You simply state your wish the next poster grants it, but puts a condition to it. That poster then states their wish ect... Ex: Poster 1- I wish I had a Trans Am. Poster 2- Granted, but you'll spend a fortune in getting parts because this car is no longer maufactured. Poster 2-…
Anyone using "The Butt Bible" please post your before, during, and after results here so we can support and motivate each other. Please no rude posts because we'd like to keep this thread open. Thank you. :happy: The workout schedule for the first level week of the program is reflected below: Do this level for two weeks.…
This thread is for anyone who's been working out for one month to show your results. Please post no rude comments. Would like this thread to stay open so we can support and motivate each other. It doesn't matter if your here to gain or lose weight. This thread is for all.
Is this a yea or ney? Btw YAY my first thread! :drinker: I looked and didn't see this type of thread so thought I could start it and get feedback. I am clueless when it comes to what to eat to gain. I feel like this --> :noway: when trying to figure it out. Anyone else??