I feel like I have these days way too often. I gradually get more and more lax, and then I blow it big time, feel horribly guilty, and promise myself to start fresh and really do it right the next day....always hoping it will stick this time. Reminds me of the Einstein quote that Insanity is doing the same thing over and…
Hey there. I am struggling big time to lose the last 10 lbs. I've actually gained back 3-4 in the past month or so. Anybody close to goal but struggling who wants to start a competition or motivate each other??
Hopefully this post will make some sort of sense. At what point is it no longer worth it to lose more weight? I'm at a healthy weight but not yet at the weight where I feel most comfortable in my clothes. My diet/lifestyle will continue to be very healthy, but I'm just trying to decide when it's no longer worth it to…