I signed up last year & was on for a short unsuccessful period. This time I am determined! However when I went to put in my new weight this week (was very proud...almost lost 2 pounds), it shows no wieght lose as it is using my starting wieght from last year. Is there anyway I can erase my last year history?
1. How do you get a ticker? 2. How come when I enter my daily strength training it only shows the reps, weight amount. It doesn't show calories burned for this? My cardio work shows the calculated calories burned, but not the strength training.
My 2 teenage daughters just told me how much they love this site & how it helps them keep an eye on what they are eating. I do not have alot of weight to lose, maybe 10 to 15 pounds, but thought this site might be a great motivator. I read somewhere that people who write down what they are eating while trying to lose a…