I walk 7-9 miles a day (not including normal daily walking). I am 5 pounds from having a "normal" BMI, and have not had any real trouble with plateaus until recently. I talked with my Doctor, and he doesn't want me to change my calorie intake, and instead suggested that I add hills or stairs to my walks. I live in the…
I was out walking when a casual friend I used to work with drove up. I have not seen him in months, and he was quite surprised by the amount of weight I have lost, and asked what I had been doing. I explained that I had changed my diet, and walk 7-9 miles a day (or more), and log my food intake. I ended with it has been…
Today I had a follow up appointment. Every time I go my Doctor has been happy with my progress, however this appointment is three months from the last, and today he was excited with my continued weight loss. Officially my obesity issue is "Resolved" I still have 10 pounds until I hit the normal range, but what hit me…