Totally craving sugar... sugar.. sweet sweet sweet... so I went to the kitchen last night... and munched on.... Grapes. Not really what I wanted, they weren't chocolate flavored but I felt good about myself when I went to bed. :)
So my first official week has come to a close........ I've been within my daily caloric needs.. I've exercised, I've drank water the result UP 4 POUNDS!!! Really???? At this weight I can't afford a week of gaining. Very Sad girl here right now... :brokenheart: :sad:
In 308 days I am attending a family reunion. Sadly I am the largest person there. But I'm here to change that. My goal is 80 pounds by June 11, 2013. I have to lose about 200 total. I do not want to have surgery. Kudos to those that have, just not for me. I figured out that I have 44 weeks and less than 2 pounds a week…
UGH> Ok, just started is not accurate. I'm on my 60thish day. My first 30 was at .025 and then I got retested only to find that my levels went down. My "new" doctor (old one up and moved) doubled my script. and retested. still went down but hardly enough to count... "her words". Everyone in my family is HYPO and all but…
That's my goal. I'm tired of the same old excuses and the same old lines. I wanted something new. I have a fitbit and saw this could link up and instead of doing an online membership and calculating every morsel I eat.. this looks more doable. I'm a mom to a 10 yo, wife of 27 years, almost 50 morbidly obese woman ready to…