Anyone Want to Walk?
I haven't posted anything on here in a long while because after repeated attempts to get some people together no one ever showed up. However, since then I've seen some of y'all asking to get together. So, I'm gonna give this another shot! How about a walk around the River Walk this Thursday (10/17)? We could meet at the…
Walk in Hardberger Park (12/11 @ 4pm)
I'll be walking in Hardberger Park at 4pm next Tuesday if y'all want to come. Here is the address: (PHIL HARDBERGER PARK) 13203 Blanco Road, San Antonio, TX 78216
Walk the Riverwalk
What do y'all think about meeting at the Blue Star Brewery and walking along the Riverwalk at 2pm this Saturday (12/8)?
First Group Walk/Get To Know You
What are your ideas for a place and day/time for our first group walk? Give me an idea about what your schedule is normally so we can better plan future walks. Also, take this opportunity to let me and everyone else in the group know something about you. Married? Have any pets? Favorite hang-outs? Anything you feel…