Liz had a great idea> Your assignment is to create a scrappy page or some form of art that relates to a motivational quote or saying. Pick a quote that spurs you on to success in your healthy goals. If you're in search of a good quote, some websites are:,, Have fun!…
Hi Scrappers! We can't let Valentine's Day pass without a Valentine challenge!! :heart: :heart: :heart: Pretend you are your own greatest "amour" and scrap a page or a card to encourage yourself on this healthy journey. You could scrap about the healthy habits you're proud to see taking root in your life, scrap about the…
Hi Scrappy Scrappers! What would you like to work on this week? I have a Challenge! Scrapbook or create some form of art about your name, using the letters in your first name or a nickname to describe qualities you have [or want to have] that will help you reach your healthy goals. For example, someone named Pam might…
Well, I'm new so hope it's okay if I post a challenge. =) This week I'm challenging myself to a couple of goals for scrapbooking and exercising. Exercise---> at least 30 minutes daily for 5 days out of 7, and also LOG my food everyday Scrapbook---> scrap a double page spread of ME--which will include: 1. My current…