I live in Southeast Texas. It would rock if I could find some new friends close to me. :)
Any tips on losing post hysterectomy weight gain? I had mine in 2009 & put on a LOT of weight since. I cannot take hormones. It seems much much harder to lose weight after the surgery.
Where can I buy some reasonably priced workout clothing? I need something that will hold everything still so I can start running. I have a LOT of "extra stuff" & am unable to run at this time. Please no rude comments. Serious answers only. Thanks!
What kind of exercises can I do without aggravating my hernia? It's in the upper middle part of my belly. It's pretty big. It pokes out. I know I can do cardio, but is there any strength training I can do also?
I could access the message boards from my iPod Touch! My computer is in the shop, so when I'm at home I have to log in on the iPod. I love these boards!
Hi! I'm Melissa, 34 years old, single mom for 15 1/2 years of an amazing son, 2 cats, and 4 kittens that will have new homes soon. I live in Southeast Texas. I currently do not have any friends on here, so if you would like to get to know me, please feel free to send me a request. I've heard many wonderful things about…