Have you tried and were successful? What was it? Can you eat on A detox?
Has anyone try Amerithin? This is my second time trying it. The first time it was okay but I left it alone. I am not motivated to keep paying this $40 a week though. The Phentermine will make you sick with a whole tablet and half sick with a half tablet. Lol, let me know.
I started developing varicose veins when i had constant standing working at a fast food restaurant. Throughout the years they have only gotten worse. I HATE for my legs to show. It's embarrassing to have them out. I went to a vein center in my home town . They offered out patient surgery. They also said i had an extra vein…
Hi, I always felt alone on this app. Its funny that I forgot that there are groups so that we can interact with one another. I need constant motivation and will-power. Long story.... but anyways HI!!!
I dont know anyone but i want to add friends, but i dont know how to do it,can someone tell me how please. Thanks:sad: