So ihave not succeeded in this dreadful, ooong battle of the buldge. I was an active logger but then stopped!! Life got busy, blah, blah,blah but i am so tired of being FAT!! hate the word but it is what it is!! I'm tired of covering up and saying next year! Started up is hard for me and would love all the support i can…
We just bought one for healthier eating and would LOVE any MFP's to share some of their favorite recipes withe me. Looking for any healthy ones....soups, smoothies, juices anything you have to share! Thanks everyone!! I'm excited to start using it stocked up on fresh produce so ready to go :) YAHOO tortilla soup can't wait…
Does anyone have one of these? Considering buying one but would like to hear about it with someone who has it already. Thanks :)
Hi there, I logged on to this site months back but was not conisitant. NOW , I want and need this !! I would love to have as many support friends that I can. If you are willing to add me or i add you that would be great. I'd love to hear all about yur success and tips. Keep going everyone...WE CAN DO IT!!…