I was doing so well. And then went on that darn vacation over a month ago and it all went to h*ll.:sad: What's even worse, well it's also great is that my husband for the first time in our marriage is commited and weighs less than before I even met him.:grumble: This should be a piece of cake since he was alway's who I…
I'm trying to run a bootcamp in my neighborhood. There are some nearby called bootcamp babes, victory bootcamp ext. Would love some name suggestion's. :wink:
I've done MFP for a little while on my own but would love some extra support and motivation. I have 3 kids 15,7 and 18 months. And this last baby has been the weightloss struggle. I'm also almost 34 so I'm sure that helps the struggle. lol I stay home so I have a pantry near me for downfall. Although I make mostly good…
I have had so much trouble getting motivated and have recently joined a bootcamp. For 3 weeks i have worked really hard on my portion control ( my biggest challenge) and workout I have a birthday cruise May 14th for 5 days! I plan to work out 2 of the sea days but I don't want to get into bad habits again. Does anyone know…