I am looking for additional supportive friends who are working towards a healthier lifestyle, weight maintenance and are committed to logging. I currently have some wonderful, inspirational and motivational people who I am honored to be on their friend's list on here that bless me everyday with their success. Many of my…
New Years Day 2014 is only 28 days away! How will you spend the first day of the year? Have you thought about it? All First Day Hikes are guided by rangers who talk about wildlife, trees, nests and other natural phenomena in winter landscapes. The First Day Hike program organized by "Americas State Parks" is an historic…
I know it is up to me to take responsibility for my own behavior for successful weight loss. My Fitness Pal is a great start with the food diary and weight tracker. It gives you great insight. On the other hand, it also helps to have support of the right kind. I am looking for friends who will support me in a positive way…