In 2015 I had a handle on it. I had lost 70 lbs. The 2015 reared its ugly head. I lost an Aunt to suicide, have had numerous monetary problems and have been passed up numerous times for a promotion at work. I let bad habits creep back in and gained back 40 of the 70 lbs. I have pulled myself up in the last two days and…
I keep seeing people talking about how fat they are. My best friend pointed this out to me just the other day. I love the words and I am trying to learn to live by them. Each day I am working on my self talk. Am I fat? NO. I have fat. I am a person with a wonderful sense of humour. Look how pretty my hair looks. My eyes…
I am a "plant based eater". The majority of my food comes from fruits vegetable, fruits, nuts, and legumes. I personally eat cheese and eggs on occasion. For me it is a health based choice. I respect and enjoy discussions with people who have chosen this lifestyle for all reasons and feel that a forum for the unique…