Hey ladies! Thought this article was very, very interesting. This has given me a lot of clarity to some problems I've been having that won't seem to go away. Hope this helps someone! http://pcosdiva.com/2013/01/pcos-the-candida-connection/
Hi ladies, This has got to be one of my biggest pet peeves about having PCOS with high testosterone levels - I have tree trunk calves! My calves are big...but if you hit them, they are solid as a rock. As soon as I start exercising, even just cardio, they get even more solid and even bigger in only a day or two! It's the…
Hey ladies, I know irregular periods are one of the many joys associated with PCOS. I've had my period for the past two weeks. I just started taking Agnus Castus (also known as Vitex) again last night to see if it will help. (It typically does) Just in case, any other tips?
Hey ladies, Just wondering if anyone is on the Paleo Diet? It makes sense to me but I'd love to hear if anyone has had success on it. Right now I'm struggling between whether I should count carbs or just eat the right carbs, in moderation of'course. I don't want to waste my time doing something that won't help, though I…
Hello ladies :) I have at least 100 pounds to lose and I get discouraged so quickly because of PCOS. Just today I was going through the grocery store, trying to find some new low carb options and got so overwhelmed...it's hard wishing you could just go on Weight Watchers or eat what you want in smaller portions and lose…