Getting a cold... what can I have?
So, normally when I have a cold I drink a ton of tea with lots of honey (helps the throat) and I drink a TON of orange juice. I can drink several liters in a couple of days. There are so many calories in these things.. what is an alternative? Something that isn't expensive either.
Issues with hitting minimum cal intake
I have such a hard time hitting my minimum calorie intake. For example, yesterday I had 871 calories in total. Even someone in a coma needs more than that! My minimum intake is about 1300 and maximum is 1600. I'm just not always hungry. For example, my meal yesterday was: Breakfast: 1 cup multigrain cheerios, 1/2 cup milk,…
I'm proud of myself...
today my kids were amazing with eating their dinner. Cod, rice and broccoli. My son even had seconds. I got them ice cream as a treat. I was so tempted to eat ice cream but I got up and left the room to fold laundry.