Chicago Folks?
Hello everyone, Happy New Year to everyone! Anyone in the Chicago area looking for motivation with their weight-loss journey? I want to be able to shares, goals, tips, tricks, workouts, etc with local folks (I won't exclude anyone that's not in Chi-town). Feel Free to add me so that we can tackle the fat together!!!
Anyone in Chicago
Hey fellow pals, Anyone in Chicago?? I'm new to town and I definitely need support and motivation. Anyone know any good trainers or gyms? I'm not a fan of the big gym chains (LA Fitness, etc).
Excessive Stomach fat
Hello my fellow fitnesspals, I try to do cardio at least 5 days a week and I'm seeing results all over except for in my stomach/waist area. Does anyone have a workout routine or specific exercises that I can incorporate with my cardio to help accelerate belly fat?