Anyone have any suggestions on something that A; isn't disgusting B; high in nutrients C; can be done in a blender (no problem in straining it, though) Bonus points if it would taste good as a popcicle. Having my tonsils out on weds., eating will suck.
I'm having some hip issues that I'm getting taken care of next year (I don't have 3 months to just sit on my butt and recuperate per hip) Swimming isn't much of an option, if I swim more than twice a week my skin is very unhappy with the chlorine. Stuff like squats just aren't an option anymore Any suggestions would be…
Sunday nights 9-12, we drink with friends, and my average amount of drink calories I consume is around 1900 cals. (I can't drink beer) It's the only night I drink outside of the the occasional friday. Are there any other ways to incorporate a "cheat day" Increase exercise? have a decent deficit every day? I have seen…